Martinez wins GOP gubernatorial primary

Susana Martinez

Doña Ana County District Attorney Susana Martinez has won the GOP nomination for governor. Though the votes aren’t all counted, she’s currently ahead with 48 percent of the vote to Allen Weh’s 31 percent.

Weh conceded the race moments ago.

There was no immediate comment from the Martinez campaign, and e-mails seeking comment from the other campaigns haven’t yet been answered. But the Republican Governors Association, which had prepared for a Martinez win, was quick with a statement about how Martinez will match up against Democrat Diane Denish in November.

“Susana Martinez’s historic nomination is great news for New Mexico,” said Tim Murtaugh, spokesman for the Republican Governors Association. “She brings a proven record of holding government accountable and enforcing the rule of law that contrasts sharply with Diane Denish’s failed leadership.”

“Martinez promises lower taxes, spending restraint and careful attention to border security,” he said. “Denish represents the putrid practices of the Richardson Administration – higher taxes and government run amok.”

Denish’s campaign said a statement was coming shortly.

Update, 9:25 p.m.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele released this statement:

“Congratulations to all the New Mexican Republican candidates who won their primaries, and especially to Susana Martinez, who today becomes the first Hispanic woman nominated for governor by either of the major parties in the United States. Republicans everywhere can be proud of Martinez’s landmark achievement and the major national significance of her nomination by the Republican Party to be the next governor of New Mexico.

Update, 9:30 p.m.

“Janice spoke with Susana and congratulated her on running a good race and has asked that her supporters support Susana because the two are truly friends,” Arnold-Jones Campaign Manager Steve Kush said.

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