Teague expresses concerns about House health bill

Not surprisingly, U.S. Rep.  Harry Teague, D-N.M., expressed concerns about a health-care reform bill that was unveiled Thursday and will be debated next week, while the state’s other two representatives praised the legislation.

Here are their statements about the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act, which is nearly 2,000 pages long:

Harry Teague

Harry Teague

U.S. Rep.  Harry Teague, D-N.M.

“I intend to take time to review the most recent version of the House bill and see if the issues I and many of my constituents have raised throughout this process have been addressed.

“My primary concerns have been that the legislation does little to bring down out of control health care costs, which is what burdens families and small business, and also leads to our skyrocketing budget deficits. If the bill doesn’t control costs, American taxpayers will shell out $900 billion, much of which will go to health insurance companies in the form of profits and we will have done nothing but pass a temporary fix that resulted in doubling the national debt and didn’t eliminate the health care crisis.

“I came to Washington with personal experience of how a health care crisis can impact a family. And that is why I think health care reform is too important to settle for a temporary band aid that in the end doesn’t lower the cost of health care for New Mexico families and businesses – but does ensure more money for big health insurance companies.”

Martin Heinrich

Martin Heinrich

U.S. Rep. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M.

“Improving the health and stability of our nation is in sight. The health insurance reform bill unveiled today in the House reaffirms my confidence that we can fix our broken health insurance system by providing greater competition for insurance companies, and by giving Americans affordable coverage, choice and stability they can count on. These are critical improvements for the future of New Mexico’s working families and our economy.

“Our country desperately needs health insurance reform — but our pursuit of reform cannot leave Native Americans behind. As I announced last week, this bill includes significant provisions to modernize health care for Indian country.

“Last night I held a telephone town hall meeting with nearly 10,000 New Mexico seniors to listen to their health care concerns. I am confident that this bill will address many of the problems seniors are facing, like closing the Part D Doughnut hole, eliminating co-pays for preventative care and ensuring they can continue to see their existing doctor.”

Ben Ray Luján

Ben Ray Luján

U.S. Rep. Ben Ray Luján, D-N.M.

“It is the will and commitment of the American people that have carried health insurance reform through to this day. While this bill is not perfect, it is a step in the right direction. Listening to communities across my district, I am encouraged that this legislation includes language supporting tribal health, consumer protections, rural community access and a public option. Under our current health insurance system, too many families have had their financial future imperiled, too many have been denied coverage, and too many people are suffering.”

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